Access Data
Applying to access the South Asia Biobank Data
The South Asia Biobank has an Access Committee meets every six weeks (and ad hoc for urgent requests) to evaluate requests from researchers who need samples, data, or wish to involve cohort members in additional studies (“sub-studies”).
Researchers interested in accessing the biobank must submit a brief project proposal. We may require proof of peer review to ensure the research is scientifically sound and ethically acceptable. The Access Committee reviews each application to confirm that it supports the biobank’s objectives and maintains the confidentiality and ethical standards promised to participants.
Application Process
Make your formal application to the Access Committee by completing the data access request form here. We welcome research proposals from other researchers and all applicants will be held to the same scientific and ethical standards.

Access Data
Data Access Charge
Charges will apply for data and sample access.
For enquiries on how to access data and samples from the South Asia Biobank resource please contact the secretary of the Access Committee
Information Governance for Reasearchers
In order to access South Asia Biobank data, you need to provide evidence that you have completed training courses for data-protection and information security awareness.