
The South Asia Biobank: A Comprehensive Data and Biological Resource

South Asia Biobank is a high quality data (lifestyle, environmental, sociodemographic, clinical and biochemical) and biological sample resource among ~ 100,000 South Asian participants in the UK (comprising LOLIPOP 2003 and 2020 cohorts). 

LOLIPOP 2003, recruited participants aged 35-75 years from 58 general practices in West London, between 2003-2008.

LOLIPOP 2020, recruited South Asian participants aged 18-85 years from general practice lists across the UK, between 2020- 2024.

Data collection comprises; i. questionnaires (health and lifestyle); ii. physical measurements (height, weight, waist-hip circumference, body fat composition, blood pressure, 12-lead ECG, spirometry, retinal imaging, physical activity monitoring); and iii. biological samples (blood, urine) suitable for a wide range of molecular assays.

Data was captured electronically, and is stored on a secure cloud-based server. Data collection was standardised across the UK, including training, protocols and equipment.

All participants gave permission for long term follow up- including: i. linkage to medical and other health-related records; ii. genomic studies; iii. recall by genotype/phenotype. Follow-up will identify people with new onset cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and other critical illnesses.


Why was this study carried out


Much progress in medical science has been made in the past five decades but this has not provided answers to why South Asians remain at such high risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other critical illnesses compared to other populations.

To date, most large-scale studies have largely recruited people of European ancestry. This lack of diversity in research hinders our understanding of reasons why populations such as South Asians are more susceptible to certain illnesses.


South Asia Biobank is designed to bring together a large scale resource of biological data in-order to address critical questions, such as why South Asians remain at X3 risk of diabetes and x 2 risk of cardiovascular disease and other critical illnesses.  South Asia Biobank was established to just that.

Future Benefit

South Asia Biobank is a major world-wide resource for medical researchers to help understand and prevent major diseases amongst South Asians. The more information we can arm ourselves with about serious conditions like heart disease, diabetes and obesity, the more chance we have of preventing disease, finding new treatments and even cures.


Professor Jaspal S Kooner

Professor Jaspal S Kooner


Professor Paul Elliot

Professor Paul Elliot

MBBS, PhD, FMedSci

Professor The Lord Darzi of Denham

Professor The Lord Darzi of Denham


Professor Elio Riboli

Professor Elio Riboli